E-Book Resource Library

Career Pathways eBooks

Allied Health Career Pathway Ebook Series | Hocking College

Allied Health

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of healthcare occupations is projected to grow 18 percent from 2016 to 2026.

Choose a career below and determine if this career pathway is right for you.

Arts, Business, and Science Career Pathway Ebook Series | Hocking College

Arts, Business, & Science

According to Forbes Magazine, there are almost 28 million small businesses in the U.S. and over 22 million are self-employed with no additional payroll or employees.

Choose a career below and determine if this career pathway is right for you.

eBooks for Parents

What to Bring Checklist | Hocking College

The What to Bring Checklist

Before you load up the car and drop off your college-bound teen, make sure you've downloaded this helpful checklist to know what you need to bring for the dorm, for your student, and for their classes.

The Hocking College International Student Checklist

International Student Checklist

Are you interested in sending your student to the United States for college, but don't know where to start? 

Download The Hocking College International Student Checklist and learn about:

  • The Application Process
  • How to Visit Campus
  • Travel Visas
  • and Important Program Due Dates

Other eBooks

The What to Bring Checklist | Hocking College

What to Bring Checklist

Before you load up the car and head to Hocking College, make sure you've downloaded this helpful checklist to know what you need to bring for the dorm, for yourself, and for your classes.

The Complete Guide to Hocking College Residence Halls

Guide to Hocking College Residence Halls

So you're going to live on campus at Hocking College? That's awesome!

This guide will teach you:

  • Rules and Policies of everything that you can and can't do in the residence halls and your room.
  • Easy communication techniques to help you get along great with your roomie
  • Things to do on-campus

Click here to download The Complete Guide to Hocking College Residence Halls now. 

Starting the next phase of your life through education may seem daunting. That's why we're here to help every step of the way.
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